
What is Case Management?
Case management, also referred to as Care Managment is assisting individuals, families and their loved ones by coordinating and managing their daily care. Case Management also assist in finding resources in the community to help individuals live a good quality of life in their home; while providing a piece of mind to their loved ones.
What do Case Managers do?

As Case Managers we advocate, research, coordinate and manage care. Whether at home, in the hospital, in an assisted living facility or wherever you consider home to be, our Case Managers will advocate, act on your behalf and in your best interest.
How is Case Management and Case Managers Beneficial?
Here are a few examples of the benefits...
If your case manager recognizes and reports that your loved one is not taking his/her medication, they can provide medication reminder services.
If your case manager has observed that your loved one is needing additional assistance at home, they will research, and coordinate the care needed to help your loved one.
If your loved one needs additional eyes and ears at their doctor appointment and you are not able to escort them to their appointment, Case Managers can be the extra eyes and ears for you.
Provide you with a piece of mind
Improve your loved one's quality of life
Encourage independence as much as possible and for as long as possible for your loved one
with guidance and support from our team!